팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

With the Best Quality and Technology
Customer Value and Satisfaction!

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

We pursue a happy life through cooperation with customers and employees.

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

We always prioritize creating value for our customers.

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

We never cease to seek
Innovation for the best technology

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

Passion, knowledge, and creativity are the sources of our business.

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

Technology, processors,
capabilities constantly evolve.

We create better value for the future of people and nature.

Performance Results


  • 218, Chulgangsandan-ro 130 beon-gil, Ocheon-eup, Nam-gu, Pohang City
  • Tel. 054)285-5585, 054)293-4423
  • Fax. 054)285-5485
  • E-mail. dy0420@dongyeon21.com